Behind the scenes on many a Wagtail site is our open-source package, wagtail-seo. Today I'm pleased to announce a major new feature that will further help your editors refine their SEO editing process: previews! Your editors might already be familiar with this feature from other SEO plugins such as Yoast — now they can enjoy similar functionality in Wagtail.

With wagtail-seo version 3, you can select "SEO Preview" at the bottom of the Wagtail page preview which will show a search engine preview (in the style of Google), and a social media preview (in the style of LinkedIn and Facebook). As you edit the SEO metadata, you can see the preview change.

Additionally, wagtail-seo will check for common SEO errors, such as missing metadata, or fields that are too long or too short. These errors are also shown in the preview pane.

Check it out, and as always, we are open to feedback on GitHub.